Brethren and friends,
We have a task at hand, to put in power a man whom we suppose would do good and not evil in the sight of the Lord; who will be pliable to God's will.
A Presidential candidate who is winnable because he is credible, popular, has the support of a good number of our people and who is qualified to be in the highest office of the land.
We will give our wholehearted support and selfless sacrifice to his candidacy not for gain nor reward but because we believe that our country if led by someone who follows after righteousness would have a better chance for greatness. We are not deceived that our candidate can never do wrong. He still has that human nature that all of us have. The best of men who read daily the word of God and are bathed in prayer, may still be ungodly. Only our Master, Jesus Christ is perfect. We are persuaded however, that at least, if he commits error he will mend his ways and not call good as evil, nor call evil good.
We also trust that he will uphold the constitution, execute faithfully the laws of the republic and not follow the ways of the traditional politicians who circumvent laws by seeking loopholes, inventing schemes with deniable plausibility, and use well rewarded fall guys.
Once elected, we will require of him brutal honesty, without sacrificing national security, and if he is culpable irreparably, we expect that he will honorably give up the post.
We will work, we will donate, we will promote, we will campaign, but most of all we will pray that God may be merciful to our beloved country the Philippines that in such a time as this, the next President will be close to His heart, will be a minister of God unto national prosperity, will not bear the sword in vain toward justice against all who will sabotage and destroy our country, and an instrument of national unity and identity.
We desire that that next President would be Allan Peter Cayetano but we submit to the glorious, all wise, and perfect will of God and echo the words of our Savior, "nevertheless, not my will but thine be done"
We have a task at hand, to put in power a man whom we suppose would do good and not evil in the sight of the Lord; who will be pliable to God's will.
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