The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.
(Proverbs 10:22)
The blessing is not primarily material riches but always spiritual.
There are blessings of the Lord which the spiritual men enjoy and makes them rich in truth, rich in works, rich in words.
It is true that there are promises of prosperity in the Bible to the people of God, but material prosperity is promised to the nation of Israel, and most of the OLD TESTAMENT passages are about material riches for Israel, but the goal is always spiritual riches.
After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying,
Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.
(Genesis 15:1)
When we consider salvation and God Himself as our riches, the greatest blessing that ever happened, more than any prosperity, then we are truly blessed.
We acknowledge that God does not stop there, He also has some material blessings to those whom He want to bless. That is as He wills, according to His plan, when divine providence so requires.
The devil also blesses however, so how do we know?
When it is of the Lord, directly, He addeth no sorrow to it, but when from the enemy, then with riches, with material prosperity comes sorrow, you are sad that you became rich, because it came thru evil or the costs are high spiritually. Some get rich but do not have family and friends any more
(Proverbs 10:22)
The blessing is not primarily material riches but always spiritual.
There are blessings of the Lord which the spiritual men enjoy and makes them rich in truth, rich in works, rich in words.
It is true that there are promises of prosperity in the Bible to the people of God, but material prosperity is promised to the nation of Israel, and most of the OLD TESTAMENT passages are about material riches for Israel, but the goal is always spiritual riches.
After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying,
Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.
(Genesis 15:1)
When we consider salvation and God Himself as our riches, the greatest blessing that ever happened, more than any prosperity, then we are truly blessed.
We acknowledge that God does not stop there, He also has some material blessings to those whom He want to bless. That is as He wills, according to His plan, when divine providence so requires.
The devil also blesses however, so how do we know?
When it is of the Lord, directly, He addeth no sorrow to it, but when from the enemy, then with riches, with material prosperity comes sorrow, you are sad that you became rich, because it came thru evil or the costs are high spiritually. Some get rich but do not have family and friends any more